Thursday, March 25, 2010

Electronic Cigarettes is the Best Substitute of Smoking

The use of electronic cigarettes is becoming more popular these days. It is because these electronic cigarettes are good substitute of smoking. The electronic cigarettes have provided more options to the smokers. There are healths as well as financial benefits of smoking electronic cigarettes. The smokers will have good aroma with the vapors given out by electronic cigarettes without any harmful chemicals. There is no tobacco, no tar and no smoke in these cigarettes. Due to these characteristics, smokers are using these cigarettes. About 4000 chemicals are released when regular cigarette is lit up and these chemicals are toxic while electronic cigarettes are far healthier. These cigarettes are battery powered and look very much like real cigarettes.

There are different flavors and nicotine strength available and smokers can choose any flavor for their preferences. The good thing about these cigarettes is that you can smoke them anywhere. These cigarettes are smoked mostly by people who want to quit smoking. These cigarettes are smoke free which makes them amazing. These cigarettes can be smoked anywhere and at any time. The cartridge and electric battery are the two components of used in electronic cigarettes. There is mixture of nicotine and water vapors in cartridge. It can be good for smokers to shift from traditional cigarettes to electronic cigarettes because it has better taste and quality. There can be uncontrolled fire with traditional cigarettes while there is no danger of fire in case of electronic cigarettes.

Another major advantage of electronic cigarettes is the cost of these cigarettes is very much affordable. These cigarettes are changing the legal landscape for smokers. There is no tobacco burn in these cigarettes rather a ‘flow censor’ is activated when smokers inhale due to which water vapors containing nicotine, scent of flavor and propylene glycol are released. You can fix the amount of nicotine in your cigarettes which can avoid you from many health issues. These cigarettes are completely legal because there is no tobacco. There will be no harm of electronic cigarettes on other people around the smokers as well. The smokers can have any flavor of their choice in refillable cartridges. These flavors include menthol, regular, strawberry and apple.

These cigarettes are technically alternative of smoking instead of smoking cessation device. It can help the smokers to stop smoking easily by the adjustments of nicotine amount. Although smokers can have same tactile sensation and oral fixation but still it is very good for health. The smoke of these cigarettes comes out of the lungs in the form of water vapors. The electronic cigarettes can be good for you if you want to have freedom to smoke or if you are interested in healthier alternative to smoking. The smoking ahs become much more user friendly with these cigarettes. These cigarettes can satisfy the cravings of smokers without harmful substances. The smoke is held by a battery which acts like atomizer and renewable nicotine chamber. The nicotine cartridge can last for 15 to 20 cigarettes. With all these benefits we can say that electronic cigarettes are the best substitute of smoking.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Which Electronic Cigarette Brand to choose

There are lots of electronic cigarette brands available in the market and it can be difficult for the smoker to make decision about the right cigarette brands. There are different features found in different electronic cigarette brands. It all depends on your preference to choose a particular electronic cigarette brand. It can be a good choice to buy an electronic cigarette from a brand with money back guarantee if you are not sure to switch to the electronic cigarette. You can make try of these cigarettes from a particular brand. There is use of LED lights in electronic cigarettes due to which these cigarettes may look like traditional cigarettes. There are electronic cigarettes available with blue or red LED.

You can choose any color of electronic cigarettes. If you smoke electronic cigarettes with red LED in public, restaurant or office then you will be asked less questions. You can opt for blue LED if you are social and have meetings with people and can talk to the strangers. You can have less trouble if you smoke electronic cigarettes with blue LED in public place because there will be less concerns of onlookers. The electronic cigarettes with red LED may look very much to the regular tobacco cigarettes when you inhale. There are different flavors of these electronic cigarettes available for the smokers. There are tobacco and menthol cartridge flavors available for the smokers by all brands. You can be able to pick specific flavor which you like most.

There is variation in the prices of the electronic cigarettes which normally starts from $60 with starter kit and it can go up to $200. It all depends on the smokers to choose electronic cigarettes according to their budget. There will also be need of refill in electronic cigarettes therefore you have to look at the price per cartridge and should be able to understand that how long this cartridge will last. The cartridges of different brands are compared by different brands to number of traditional cigarettes or packets. You can have as many smokes as traditional packs when it is compared to it. There is use of different personalities in different brands and you can find any brand you like according to your own choice.

The good thing about the electronic cigarettes is that you can smoke these cigarettes anywhere and at any time. You can choose green smoke, blue smoke or any other color which you like. You can also have flavors of these cigarettes according to your own choice. These electronic cigarettes are very safe and provide lots of health benefits to the smokers. The smokers can find different brands of electronic cigarettes very easily and can purchase any brands. These brands can be purchased from internet where there are online cigarette stores available. These electronic cigarettes are also available on cigarette shops. You will certainly enjoy smoking if you have found right brand of electronic cigarettes.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Camel Cigarettes

Camel cigarette brand was introduced by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco (RJR) in 1913. Camel gained its popularity for an original blend of Turkish and American tobacco. Such blend is considered to have to have a milder taste.
Camel is remarkable for its advertising and PR campaigns. Their famous promotion, featured 'Old Joe' (a Circus camel), which was driven through town and used to distribute free cigarettes. Another famous promotion was performed by a famous actor Humphrey Bogart who popularized Camel brand in the “Casablanca” film.

A few words should be mentioned about Camel’s logo. The image of the camel on the packet was created by a Belgian artist. He didn’t like the marketing manager, so in revenge he placed in the upper part of the camel’s leg a "Manneken Pis" ( the famous in Belgium boy urinating) in his image.

In 1988 the company introduced a new character in the Camel Promotion campaign – it was Joe Camel. The effect was immense. The research conducted by the American Medical Association Journal showed that 90% of kids recognized Joe Camel.

From 1972-1993, Camel sponsored the then-popular IMSA auto racing series.

Malboro Cigarettes

The Marlboro cigarettes brand was founded by Philip Morris in 1847 in England. It was named after the Marlborough Street which is situated in London.
In 1902 Marlboro cigarettes were introduced to the US market. Initially Marlboro targeted at female smokers, and was advertised under the slogan "Mild as May". The cigarettes had red tip, which was designed to hide lipstick marks.

In the 1950's the public attention was attracted by the articles which claimed that cigarettes produce harmful effect. That was the reason why cigarette companies began to produce filtered cigarettes. Morris decided to extend the range of customers, and therefore changed the advertising strategy. The advertising slogan "Mild as May" created a feminine image.
Eight months after the campaign was introduced,cigarettes sales had increased 5,000 per cent. Marlboro became the top selling filtered cigarette in New York.

By 1972, Marlboro cigarettes had become the most popular world-wide. Nowadays, Philip Morris' brands are in 180 markets, are the top-selling cigarettes in the world.
In 2006, a federal district court enacted the following law: the names 'Natural', 'Light' or 'Ultralight' could not be used. Philip Morris has decided to use a color naming scheme - Marlboro Lights cigarettes would be called Marlboro Golds and that Marlboro Ultralights cigarettes would be named Marlboro Silvers.

Composite List of Ingredients in Non-Tobacco Materials

Cigarette papers, side-seam adhesives, monogram inks, filtration material, filter papers and filter adhesives, all make up the non-tobacco components of a cigarette. The ingredients found in these components are purchased from a number of different suppliers. These independent companies treat the composition of such materials as confidential for competitive reasons. The ingredients found in non-tobacco materials are categorized according to various components and are listed by descending order including the "quantity not exceeded" (calculated from the highest level of use and expressed as a percentage of the total weight of the cigarette). We have not defined in our list certain items (such as denaturants, preservatives or stabilizers) used in some of the materials supplied to us by third parties. These items are either no longer present or have no specific function in the finished cigarette.
1. Tobacco rod2. Cigarette paper with adhesive seam3. Filtration Material4. Tipping paper with adhesive seam5. Plug wrapThe main Non-Tobacco Materials (NTM) are:Cigarette paperCigarette paper is wrapped around the tobacco rod to form a cigarette. It contains materials found in all forms of paper, such as cellulose, but may also include materials that influence how quickly and regularly the cigarette burns or that stabilize the ash.Side-seam adhesivesSmall amounts of adhesive (glue) ensure that the cigarette paper is fixed around the tobacco and holds the tobacco rod in shape.Monogram inksSome cigarettes have printing on the cigarette paper to identify the brand. These inks contain different pigments (e.g. blue, red, black). The amount of printing inks is very small.Filtration materialThe filter material reduces the amount of tar, nicotine and particles as tobacco smoke passes through it. The most common filtration material used is cellulose acetate fibre. Plasticizers are added to bind the fibres together to form the filter. Some of our brands, have charcoal in their filters. This charcoal removes certain volatile chemicals from tobacco smoke, making the taste less harsh.Filter papers (includes tipping paper, tipping inks and plug wrap)There are two types of filter papers: plug wrap and tipping papers. Plug wrap is a thin layer of paper which surrounds the filtration material, which ensures the filter section of the cigarette maintains its cylindrical shape. Tipping paper is usually made of cellulose fibres and is often colored and printed. It is used to connect the filter to the tobacco rod.Tipping paper may contain small air holes burned by a laser to ensure additional ventilation during smoking. This increased dilution of smoke with air reduces the yield of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide.Filter adhesivesThese are used to fix filter papers to the tobacco rod.

Cigarette Filters

The cigarette filters are very important part of the cigarettes. These filters can absorb nicotine, tar, moisture and other admixtures found in different types of cigarettes. The filters are basically porous materials and it is placed at the tip of the cigarettes. These filters filter the air from the cigarettes and this air reaches to your lungs after passing through the filter. There is use of special cigarette holder in order to place cigarette or cigar. These cigarette filters are available with all types of cigarettes like cheap Winston cigarettes and cheap menthol cigarettes and cigarette filters are fitted in these cigarettes. Cellulose acetate is the most popular filter in tobacco industry and there is 5 to 10 percents of glycerol in these filters as their connecting link.

The amount of suspended smoke particles which may enter into the body organism can be reduced with the help of acetated filters found in most of cheap cigarettes. The good thing about these filters is that some of the carcinogens like nitrosamines can be removed very easily with its functioning. The suspended particles found in cigarettes smoke can be removed very effectively with the help of these filters. The efficiency of smoke of cigarettes can be increased with filtration of cigarettes by decreasing the fiber diameter of the cigarettes. It can also be done by increasing the length of filters and by the addition of some effective substances to the fiber of cigarette filters.

There is activated carbon found in most of the cigarette filters as an addition item. You can be able to remove selected components from cigarette smoke with the help of this carbon. The harmful effects of nicotine found in cigarettes can also be removed by using green tea. The nicotine amount intake substantially is reduced in the cigarettes by adding cultivated green tea leaves. These cigarette filters are also used as cooling the temperature of smoke which is inhaled apart from filtering the cigarette smoke. The addition air will get through the smallest holes of the cigarettes when you inhale and this inhaled air is cooled and it will also reduce the amount of harmful substances which is its very good use.

You should try to purchase cheap cigarettes which have filters in them. You can have pleasant smoking with filters of cigarettes. You can find almost every brand of cigarettes with filters very easily. These filter cigarettes are available from internet as well as from cigarette stores. You can easily identify the cigarettes with filters as these cigarettes have different color and there is different material used in these cigarettes with filters. There can be different colors of these cheap filter cigarettes like yellow colored filters and white filters. It can be very good for you to purchase cigarettes with filters which are very good for your health and there will be no bad effects of these cigarettes on your lungs. The damaged chemicals will be stopped by these filters and provide your pleasant smoking.


Cigarette become a part of life in 18th century and became more familiar after the Crimean war. Firstly the filter tip cigarette were introduced in 1930 after estimating the conclusion is drawn that 5.5 trillion cigarette are manufactured by the tobacco industry over the year and consumed 1.1 billion people and now so many names have been given to it like smokes cigs. Fags. Ciggies. Boges, snouts darts and tailies depending on the area where you live and group you are concerned with.

Manufacturers always getting busy to try the techniques to make more common in the market – discount cigarette is also one of the important part of this techniques even you can say the discount cigarette is the latest practice to sell cigarette in the market, it is ore helpful way instead of paying a large amount of taxes has the share of discount cigarette become doubled in recent years. Now it has controlled the risk in the cigarette market to pay high stale of taxes. Premium brands like camel Marlboro Merit Newport Parliament Rothmans Winston and USA Gold usually included in the discount cigarette. Most of the other cigarette brands are going to employ the discount to get great benefits from their product in the Market.

Basically the tobacco company lawsuit is the reason for high taxes which are rising day by day on cigarette. So this discount policy has offset this issue so many ware houses and stores have introduce their on line shopping facility for discount cigarette as the life is getting fast and there is no time to waste so people like this faster and easier way of shopping online facility also provided different options to choose from generic premium and value cigarette free shipping and offering daily specious one also a part of it which the companies are adding to market the product. Do not deny this fact that smoking is one bad habit forever.